Odd Tattoo Designs Odd Tattoo Designs Odd Tattoo Designs
Tattoo από τους νεολιθικούς χρόνους!O Ötzi the Iceman, χρονολογείται από την τέταρτη - πέμπτη χιλιετία π.Χ. Βρέθηκε στην κοιλάδα Ötz στις Άλπεις και είχε περίπου 57 δερματοστιξίες άνθρακα που αποτελούνται από απλές γραμμές στο χαμηλότερο μέρος της σπονδυλικής του στήλης, πίσω από το αριστερό του γόνατο,μέχρι και τον αστράγαλό του.

Πληροφορίες και περισσότερες φωτογραφίες εδώ:

Paris Hilton Skull Tattoos

Paris Hilton Skull Tattoos

Paris Hilton face painted with skull tattoos.

Celebrity Tattoos : Kim Kardashian Tattoos

Celebrity Tattoos : Kim Kardashian Tattoos
Colourfull Flower Tattoos painted on sexy Kim Kardashian Arm.

women with cherry tattoo on the leg

women with cherry tattoo on the legwomen with cherry tattoo on the leg

women with japanese cherry blossom tattoo design on the lower side body

women with japanese cherry blossom tattoo design on the lower side bodywomen with japanese cherry blossom tattoo design on the lower side body

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sexy girl wit star tattoo, butterfly tattoo, flower tattoo and cherry tattoo on the side bodysexy girl wit star tattoo, butterfly tattoo, flower tattoo and cherry tattoo on the side body

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design picture tattoo cherry very reasonable cherry tattoos and name tattoo drawn on the backdesign picture tattoo cherry very reasonable cherry tattoos and name tattoo drawn on the back

Religious, Cross Tattoos Fashion

Religious, Cross Tattoos Fashion

Religious tattoos are not only for showing the religious faith, but weaving a style preference. Religious tattoos have unique significance all the time. It is believed to have purity in life by inking the religious tattoos on different parts of the body.

People in different religions carry religious tattoos for having the blessings of God to protect them from any kind of danger and bad omen. Some inscribe religious tattoo on different body parts with a belief that this will keep their mind and body in peace and harmony.
Το Strike-branding είναι, στην ουσία, το ίδιο με το μαρκάρισμα ενός ζώου. Ένα κομμάτι μετάλλου θερμαίνεται και χτυπιέται με συμπίεση στο δέρμα για να προκαλέσει εγκαύματα. Το μαρκάρισμα χρησιμοποιήθηκε ιστορικά στους ανθρώπους κατά τη διάρκεια του εμπορίου σκλάβων, αλλά και στους εγκληματίες.(συνήθως με ένα ορατό σήμα που απεικονίζει το έγκλημα.) Τώρα πια είναι μόδα!
Αλλο είδος μαρκαρίσματος είναι αυτό που γίνεται με λέιζερ -electrocautery-.(μαρκάρισμα που περιλαμβάνει μια συσκευή συγγενή σε έναν οξυγονοκολλητή τόξων.)Αυτή η μέθοδος δημιουργεί έναν σπινθήρα της ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας που καίει το δέρμα, και λόγω της δυνατότητας να ελεγχθεί το βάθος της περικοπής και η δριμύτητα της ζημίας δερμάτων είναι μια ακριβέστερη μέθοδος, που επιτρέπει τα πιό σύνθετα σχέδια.
Σπανιότερος τρόπος μαρκαρίσματος είναι αυτός που δημιουργεί έγκαυμα από ακραίο κρύο -και συνήθως χρησιμοποιείται υγρό άζωτο-.Η συσκευασία (packing) χρησιμοποιείται, σπάνια στο δυτικό κόσμο, ως ακόμα μια μέθοδος scarification.Στη συσκευασία, οι τομές γίνονται στο δέρμα και τα υλικά όπως η τέφρα ή ο άργιλος παρεμβάλλονται κάτω από το δέρμα για να δημιουργήσουν τις σκόπιμες «προσκρούσεις».Τα σχέδια διαμορφώνονται κατά τη διάρκεια της επούλωσης του δέρματος, το οποίο προσπαθεί να αποβάλει το ξένο υλικό!ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ
Επειδή όλες αυτές οι τεχνικές είναι νέες στην Ελλάδα και οι καλλιτέχνες που ασχολούνται με αυτές είναι ελάχιστοι, καλό θα ήταν να μην πάτε στον πρώτο που θα συναντήσετε!Η δερματοστιξία είναι πολύ πιό κοινή από το scarification, έτσι η εύρεση ενός πεπειραμένου καλλιτέχνη είναι δύσκολη. Οι κίνδυνοι από ένα μαρκάρισμα είναι πολλοί περισσότεροι απ ότι σε ένα tattoo. Γι αυτό καλύτερα ξανασκεφτείτε το...

"Η μετάδοση μιας ασθένειας στο μαρκάρισμα μπορεί να γίνει μέσω του αέρα!"

Τις περισσότερες φορές, οι καλλιτέχνες φορούν μάσκες προκειμένου να αποτραπεί αυτό, δεδομένου ότι οι διάφορες ασθένειες μπορούν να περάσουν στον αέρα μέσω των καπνών από το δέρμα που καίγεται. Το Scarification είναι μια αρκετά πιο επίπονη διαδικασία από τη συνηθισμένη δερματοστιξία, και γι αυτόν τον λόγο πολλοί λίγοι είναι αυτοί που επέλεξαν να το κάνουν. Το scarification είναι σχετικά σπάνιο και επομένως μοναδικό -για την ώρα-. Προσωπικά δεν ξέρω αν αξίζει τον κόπο! Προτιμώ το tattoo.

Perfect Tattoo Design

Perfect Tattoo DesignThis is the collection of designs most shops Click here for the top printable tattoo design sites You can also take a trip down to a local tattoo parlor and take a look at their selection of flash. And this fee can worth it if it means choosing the absolute best design possible. But some of the best tattoo design sites will charge you a small fee. Many of these sites are free.

Perfect Tattoo DesignYou can also find sites online that have hundreds, if not thousands, of tattoo designs for you to look over. In the pages of these magazines, you will find tattoos of every shape, size, style and color imaginable. Tattoo magazines are a great place to start. Look at Some Example Tattoos A great way to get ideas for your own tattoo design is to look at some examples. And all of this can be avoided if you think carefully about the design you want before you step into the tattoo parlor.

But those procedures are often painful, expensive, and can take a lot of time. Yes, there are ways to remove a tattoo. Think of your tattoo as permanent, something that will be with you from now on. Because you will be living with it for a long time, so it’s something you should put a lot of thought into.
Perfect Tattoo DesignWhy? And Are looking for Printable Tattoo Designs The design you choose is a big decision. If you have considered getting a tattoo, you have probably thought a lot about the kind of design you will get.

Origin of Tattoo Art

Origin of Tattoo ArtTattooing was very common among all tribes across the world. Tribal people used animal bones as carving tools/instruments in tribal tattoo art. Tattooing was an accepted norm among these tribes although it was a painful process.

Most designs of tribal tattoos were replicates of animals, flowers, and other shapes as seen in nature. You can perceive these tribal tattoo pictures instantly. Tribal tattoo designs encompass tribal rose tattoo, tribal crosses, tribal dragon tattoos, tiger tattoo, turtle tribal tattoos, and lots more.

Origin of Tattoo Art

Tribal tattoos art and tribal tattoos designs do not depict any significant meaning in the modern world of tattoo designs. Tribal tattoos were essentially abstract tribal art forms put together with curves and lines. Ancient tribal tattoo pictures were in typical black colors. Recent depictions of tribal tattoo designs display innovative colors and tattoo designs like skull tattoos, star tattoos, heart tattoo designs, fairy tattoo designs, tweety bird pictures, lettering tattoos, and similar more.

Koi Tattoo Design

Koi Tattoo DesignLike many popular elements from oriental tattoo design such as lotus flowers and dragons, koi fish tattoo designs have permeated into Western tattoo culture - despite the negative connotations tattoos have in Japan (tattoos were at one time illegal and are often associated with the Japanese Mafia).The Japanese tattoo artists who first started inking kois were inspired by an oriental legend that said if a koi carp could swim upstream the river to Dragon Gate on the Yellow River, the koi would be rewarded by being transformed into a dragon.

Koi Tattoo DesignIf the koi was caught, it would lie still one the chopping board and accept death honorably - like a Samurai warrior. For this reason, koi tattoo designs represent courage, perseverance and tenacity through life's difficulties, aswell as honor in failure.

Koi Tattoo DesignA koi swimming downstream usually means the tattooee has overcome their difficulties, whereas a koi swimming upstream implies that the tattooee is still struggling through hardship.

design japanese samurai tattoo and cherry blossoms tattoo on the arm

design japanese samurai tattoo and cherry blossoms tattoo on the armdesign japanese samurai tattoo and cherry blossoms tattoo on the arm

Cheryl Cole tattoo

Cheryl Cole tattoo

Here are Cheryl Cole Tattoos. Tattoos can be the best way of expressing your love and devotion towards your hubby. Taking her wifely devotion to the max she got Mrs Cole inked on the nape of her neck. Cheryl flaunted her new tattoo while she and the rest of Girls Aloud squeezed into their raciest party clothes last night and headed out to celebrate bandmate Kimberley Walsh’s 26th birthday.

Angelina Jolie tattoo signs - celebrity tattoos trends

Angelina Jolie tattoo signs - celebrity tattoos trends

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Laser Treatment Tattoo Removal-No Scar & No Pain

laser tattoo removal image
picture after laser tattoo removalAre you not happy with the tattoo inked on your skin? Laser treatment tattoo removal process is the best idea then. Though costly ($200 to $500 per session) to some extent, laser treatment tattoo removal does not generally harm surrounding skin and completely remove the tattoo.

Depending on the color, size of the tattoo, ink type, and tattoo age, the dermatologist will decide how many Laser treatment tattoo removal sessions will actually be required. Some discoloration and change in skin texture will occur after the removal.

Only, you have to be cautious not to expose your skin in sun till it is healed. Q-switched Nd: YAG, the Q-switched Ruby, and Q-switched Alexandrite lasers are mostly used in this treatment.

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Butterfly Fairy Tattoo-In Search of Feminine Look

butterfly fairy tattoo pics
pictures of butterfly fairy tattoosButterfly fairy tattoo is an emblem of feminism – the wings of a butterfly remaining the same, while the insect is replaced by a fairy. Butterfly fairy tattoo is looking sexy and attractive. Women, in general, flaunt with butterfly fairy tattoo.

Different colors are used in this kind of tattoos, and placement is basically on the shoulder, arm, chest, back, and waist. The present butterfly fairy tattoo is really looking cute; the multicolored fairy is winging in the sky with a league of butterflies and takes the pride in showing herself as one of them.

There are stars and wind-marks. The person must be very jovial and loving in nature it seems.

Tag :butterfly fairy tattoo designs,butterfly fairy tattoos,pictures of butterfly fairy tattoos

Harley Tattoo-Masculine and Stubborn

picture of harley davidson tattoo
harley davidson tattoo imagesThis should be the most creative and glaring Harley tattoo you have ever seen – flaming skulls in black, red, and yellow. Other typical and famous motifs in the Harley tattoos are glittering roses or landing eagles or wings.

Bike enthusiasts, for love of bike, usually tattoo the Harley tattoo designs on their bodies in different parts, arm, shoulder, back and back-neck. Some also use multiple Harley tattoos using the full body.

Colors are vivid and the drawings are bold enough to match the characteristics of Harley tattoos. Harley tattoos are well-known among the bikers who are mesmerized by the Harley Davidson insignia.

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Henna Tattoo-Original and Eye-Catching

free henna tattoo pictures
pictures of henna tattoosHenna tattoo designs are quite popular among the youths for its vibrant and unique color, undefined edges, and temporary stay on body parts. Originated basically in India and known as Mehndi Art, Henna tattoos are used for different occasions – marriage, Eid, Diwali, Mawlid, Passover, Nawroz, etc.

Other than the specific body parts – such hands and legs – Henna tattoo is used like real tattoos in different forms, that of Celtic tattoos, tribal patterns, and Christian Icons, on different body parts like arm, shoulder, back, and ankle. Brown, red, rich red-brown, and orange are the colors available.

Sometimes, black Henna tattoo is also done using paraphenylenediamine (PPD), a toxic hair dye that is harmful to skin. The present Henna tattoo is a wonderful design of black flowers.

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Oriental Dragon Tattoo-Formidable and Legendary

picture of oriental dragon tattoo
oriental dragon tattoo imagesOriental dragon tattoo, taken from folklore, mesmerizes youths from all over the world. Having scales, horns, bigger nails, wings, and capacity to fire from mouth, oriental dragon tattoo is a symbol of power, freedom, and wisdom.

They come from the bottom of sea or from the top of the sacred mountains. Inked in either black-and-white or in multicolor, oriental dragon tattoos take place on arm, shoulder, back, chest, back portion, and legs.

The present image steals a wow from onlookers for its vivid colors and fantastic placement on arm. It is a blue dragon wrapped with clouds and red fires. Like other oriental dragon tattoos, it has horns; so, it is clearly a Chinese one.

Tag :oriental dragon tattoo designs,oriental dragon tattoo flash,oriental dragon tattoo art,oriental dragon tattoo design
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