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Megan Fox's Mom Hates Her Tattoos

If you have been living under a rock for the past couple of years you probably have no idea that they mega hot Transformer star, Megan Fox has nine tattoos on her very sexy body. She has been criticized ever since she became popular and people still talk about her tattoo collection today. Most have bad things to say regarding her tattoo designs, the quality of them, why someone so pretty would ruin their body etc. Well it seems that Megan's mother is one of those many people that don't care for her tattoos. She constantly asks her daughter why she must ruin her perfect body with tattoos. It has been reported that Megan's mother pleads with her daughter every time she gets a new tattoo not to get another one and of course in true Megan fashion she does not listen.

Megan's mother, Darlene's main concern is when Megan is older in her mid 30's to 40's and wants to play more mature roles in movies that directors will not hire her daughter because of her tattoos. Of course Megan has a great comeback for that. Angelina Jolie. She has had no problem finding roles in Hollywood, but then again she IS Angelina Jolie so that might have something else to do with it. Megan isn't exactly up to Angelina's stature but she does have time to improve on her acting skills.

So these leads us to the age old question do tattoos make someone less attractive and desirable?

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