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Tattoos Becoming Less Taboo

For decades tattoos have been a big no no and a very taboo subject. However, tattoos are starting to go more mainstream now and with more celebrities and tattoo reality shows hitting the TV, tattoos are starting to be seen in a different way. Tattoos are still looked upon as a negative thing and some still associate them with rough and tumble bikers dudes, criminals and up to no good people. These stereotype unfortunately will more than likely always be there, but with more and more people speaking out about tattoos and with more people getting them things are slowly starting to change.

It is estimated that 45 million people have at least one tattoo. In the latest poll that was taken it revealed that 40% of people who are from the ages of 18-40 have at least one tattoo. With these numbers so high it makes one wonder why there is still so much negativity towards tattoos. However, times are a changing and tattoos are starting to be a little bit more acceptable. More and more companies are starting to admit that if their employee have a tattoo or a visible tattoo that it's no big deal. After all just because some has a tattoo doesn't mean they can't perform well at a job. Also with more celebrities and other role models out there having tattoos it has also helped with the way some people perceive tattoos. Hopefully, in a another 10 years or so tattoos won't be such a controversial subject with some people.

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