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Celtic Heart Tattoo

Celtic Heart TattooCeltic Heart Tattoo

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The serpent love knot is a design taken from the ancient monks and stands These rings can take many forms from circles to squares and even intricately patterned serpents. Love knot patterns Lovers exchange rings formed in the designs of ancient Celtic love knots as a way of admitting their feelings to one another. There are eight elementary knots that can be found in these knot work patterns.

Plait work came before knot work. These early Celtic interwoven cords were called plaits. After the acceptance of Christianity, these designs changed and were used to decorate many Christian manuscripts. The ancient Celts perfected their use of key patterns, spirals, and step patterns in their designs before the Christian era.

The Celtic love knot first appeared in about the 3rd century AD and can trace its origins back to the Roman Empire. The Celts used love knots for decoration and there is an almost endless range, yet perhaps the most well known love knots are those used for ornamentation in Christian icons and manuscripts. Celtic hearts are also known as love knot tattoos which have become popular in Celtic tattoo design. Love Knot Tattoos Most commonly though, the Celtic heart tattoo represents the union of souls.

The Celtic heart symbol is able to represent either romantic love, friendship love or even impersonal love. Impersonal love is translated as affection for another, love for a country, goal or ideal. The heart could also signify the qualities of tough love or love of nature even though this type of love is not easy to express outwardly. The Celtic heart The Celtic heart is most common among females as it represents love that is so strong that they want to show it outwardly which itself is symbolic of caring.

Upside down triangles signify the element of water which is symbolic if intuition, motion, emotion and transition. The heart is really an upside down triangle and is actually how it evolved. Symbolically the heart signifies love, charity, joy and compassion. The most common interpretation of the heart is that of love and romance, yet the heart has also been used in some rituals to strengthen relationships.
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